E-commerce Web Care

Get Peace Of Mind Knowing Your Store Is Working As It Should!

E-commerce Maintenance Packages From $450 + Gst Per Month

WordPress E-commerce Web Care Plans

Weekly Sitewide Page Checks
Live Card Checkout Testing
Enquiry Testing
Uptime Monitoring
Regular Backups

E-Commerce Stores Need Reliability

When things go wrong, it can mean a stop to cashflow.

Often these things can go undetected for days, weeks or sometimes even months!

Having an e-commerce web care process in place drastically reduces the risk of your users finding out something is broken before you do.

Happy users, more sales and revenue for your business!

Get Pricing

What's Included?

Weekly Checks

Check homepage for errors

Check category page for errors

Check product page for errors

Resolve minor issues

Report larger issues & recommendations



Plugin updates

Core updates


DFY or alongside your developer

Secure your website

Done For You

Maintaining websites can be tedious, technical and time consuming. We specialise in taking on the burden while bringing you fresh ideas.


Hackers have more than likely already attempted to gain access, deface or send spam through your website without your knowledge.

Peace of Mind

Regular WordPress updates and security patches handled by a professional as breaches are found by the WordPress community.

Get priority support for all web issues

No lock-in contract

Cancel anytime


Simple pricing

A done-for-you service so you can focus on your business
1 month free
/year plus GST
/month plus GST

Ecommerce Web Care


Weekly update schedule

Staging website for testing major site changes including design, without your customers being interrupted.

Offsite backups for the past 30 days, stored in Google Drive, rollbacks possible.

WordPress updates

Theme updates

Old theme deletions

Plugin updates

Visually check for issues

Live card testing

Form submission check

Code check for JavaScript issues

Check hosting resource usage

Scan for malware and security threats

Test website speed

Extra web development is $110 per hour

Price excludes GST.

71% of Companies Experienced Unplanned Website Downtime


What happens without a website monitoring solution

It’s easy to think that a short amount of website downtime will have little or no effect on your revenue or your customers.

We’ve found time and again that there is a significant impact on a multitude of different areas in your business when your website goes down.

But that’s not all, domain issues, server outages, slow page speed and outdated SSL certificates can all cause significant damage too.

79% of websites experienced one or more of the following:

Lost domain, either through domain hijackers or expiry

Loss of customers due to an unsecure website (lack of SSL certificate)

Loss of revenue due to unforeseen downtime

Loss of trust from customers due to server downtime

Loss of customers to competitors due to low page speed

Loss of SEO rankings due to all of the above

What do customers think of this?

Given our reliance on digital platforms, it's worth considering how website downtime affects our behaviour and perceptions as customers. Do we truly care when a website is inaccessible?

Evidence suggests that website reliability significantly influences customer loyalty. A staggering 89% of users are unlikely to revisit a website after experiencing a single instance of downtime. This indicates that for the vast majority of online consumers, website accessibility is crucial, and a single negative experience can severely damage their trust in the platform.

E-commerce Web Care Overview

What are the details of the E-commerce plan?

See full details in the pricing card above

Monthly support time does not roll over

Additional web development is $110 per hour

Card checking if order issues reported

Staging site only if hosted on Futurised platform

Cloud backups only for accounts continuing into a 3rd month (short-term care plans not eligible).

If you have a theme licence, and if your site runs from a child theme allowing updates, otherwise custom development will be required.

How do I know if the work is carried out?

You can login to your wp-admin and check the count of outdated plugins. If the count is low it means me recently updated your plugins, theme and WordPress core. We run updates once per week, but sometimes more regularly.

We can schedule a report to send you each month, but most clients don't want to be bothered by another email, so this is usually opted out of (ask us if you'd like a report).

We can also provide you with access to the Google Drive cloud backups, where you can see the file update date, which would be within the past 24 hours for daily backups.

Do I need to login to my site?

You will no longer need to login to perform the tasks listed in the pricing table above.

You'll need to login to manage your product inventory, check orders and order status, update customer details and make other changes relating to your customer list, unless you've contracted us to undertake some of these changes.

Some of our clients haven't logged into their websites in years as we handle everything for them. However, we do provide full access to admin to our clients, without limitation, unlike some providers who lock clients out of their own website. Clients always retain full admin access to their websites.

Do you work on outdated sites?

If your website has over 8 outdated plugins or hasn't been maintained in the past 6 months, there will be a once-off fee of $300 plus GST to bring the website up to date.

Older outdated websites have a higher potential to fail after updates are run due to source code incompatibilities with newer versions of PHP and WordPress.

What is the cost of web development if not opting into an e-commerce care plan?

$140 per hour plus GST when the website is not part of an active e-commerce web care plan.

Are themes updated?

Themes will be updated if you have an active license and if you have a child theme already configured.

If you don't have licenses for your software, they won't be updated if licensing prevents updates from being downloaded. We can help you purchase a license for themes and plugins.

If your theme does not have a child-theme already setup, extra fees will be incurred to create a child theme, which is typically 2 hours of work. A child theme is required, so that when updating your main theme any customisations will not be lost. If you don't have a child theme, there is a high chance of a previous developer custom writing code into your theme files, and these customisations would first need to be detected and moved outside of your primary theme file structure and into a child theme.

Updating of primary themes will be skipped unless a child theme exists.

Why is E-Commerce Website Maintenance Important?

Have you ever encountered the frustration of visiting an online store and facing obstacles while attempting to make a purchase?

Perhaps you struggled with the registration process, experienced difficulties navigating the site or adding items to your cart. To make matters worse, you may have reached the payment page only to discover that the desired product was out of stock, despite its availability being indicated on the site.

These annoyances can impact the customer experience and cause significant harm to your online reputation and authority.

What Can Happen if You Don’t Maintain Your Online Store?

A single search on a search engine or a quick return to the search results can easily lead a dissatisfied customer into the waiting arms of your competitors. Can you afford to lose potential sales simply because your website is inaccurate, lacks information, is outdated, or has poor usability?

What happens when you encounter the need for fixes or updates but lack the knowledge or time to find a consultant every time something goes wrong or requires changes?

Neglecting the maintenance of your Ecommerce website can give off an unprofessional or shady impression, directly impacting your sales conversions. Over time, it may even tarnish your business's overall reputation. Consider this: most physical brick and mortar stores would never allow their establishments to become outdated or intentionally make it difficult for customers to make purchases or find items. So why does it happen so frequently in the online world?

With more people than ever before accessing the internet and mobile searches and purchases on the rise, ensuring the proper maintenance of your online Ecommerce store is crucial to your long-term success.

Why Should Futurised Maintain Your Online Store?

At Futurised, we are an internet marketing and web management company that focuses on conversions, usability, functionality, and the marketing impact of every change we make. Our goal is not just to implement changes but to ensure your online success. We provide consulting and suggestions from an outsider's perspective, considering the viewpoint of your customers.

To make the process of updating your online Ecommerce store both simple and cost-effective, we have eliminated the involvement of middlemen commonly associated with website maintenance tasks. Drawing on our expertise in website management and our direct interaction with online store owners and administrators, we have developed a straightforward and powerful Ecommerce web care service.

Our aim was to create a product that we would personally purchase or confidently recommend to our closest friends and family.

With Futurised, you can request and have changes completed, knowing that they will be done correctly the first time around.